Get Psychological Therapy to Address Self-Destructive Behaviors

Life can be difficult, and there are times in which the ways we cope with pain and emotional stress are harmful. These self-destructive behaviors serve different purposes for different people, so it’s important to get the professional support you need to find better, healthier ways of dealing with the feelings you’re experiencing. At Meredith Psychological & Testing Services, our trained therapists will work closely with you to help you identify safer paths for overcoming your feelings of despair and guide you on your journey to find hope.

Your Feelings are Unique to You

People resort to self-destructive behavior for a variety of reasons that vary from person to person. The therapists at Meredith Psychological & Testing Services, our compassionate therapists will work closely with you to help you get to the root of those feelings. From there, we can identify better coping strategies to guide you through your struggles in much healthier ways. If you find yourself coping with problems with cutting, self-mutilation, excessive exercise, or other unhealthy behavior, contact us to schedule an initial appointment to start on your path to well-being. If you begin to have thoughts of suicidal ideation, please seek help immediately.

Anxiety and Mood Disorders